Tuesday 23 June 2015

Number 1 Haircut

Q: If a have my hair cut as a number 1, how long is the hair in mm?
A: Grade 1 - 3mm
Grade 2 - 6mm
Grade 3 - 9mm
Grade 4 - 12mm
Grade 6 - 19mm
Grade 8 - 25mm
From https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070907134627AATK0p5

Q: My husband just had a "number 2" hair cut. What does that mean? Does it mean he has shaved his whole head?
A: Here are the general lengths specified by the different numbered length guards:
      •   #1 – one-eighth of an inch
      •   #2 – one-quarter of an inch
      •   #3 – three-eighths of an inch
      •   #4 – one-half of an inch
      •   #7 – seven-eighths of an inch
      •   #8 – one inch
The #5 and #6 length guards are special tapered guards designed for tapering the hair in an area of the head. One end of the guard is generally longer while the other is much shorter and the lengths graduate in between the two.
From http://www.hairfinder.com/hairquestions/clipper_cuts.htm

Q: Haircut Numbers - What Do They Mean?
A: #1 is 1/8 th inch
#2 is ¼ inch
#3 is 3/8 inch
#4 is ½ inch
#6 is ¾ inch
#8 is 1 inch
From http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1271067

Q: How long is a grade 1 2 3 and 4 haircut?
A: Grade 1 - one-eighth of an inch (3mm)
Grade 2 - one-quarter of an inch (6mm)
Grade 3 - three-eighths of an inch (9mm)
Grade 4 - one-half of an inch (12mm)
From http://www.kgbanswers.co.uk/how-long-is-a-grade-1-2-3-and-4-haircut/22796065#ixzz3dG5FPFRf

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